Friday, February 10, 2012


Do you think it is important to try and protect these endangered and dying cultures and languages? Why or why not?
I think it is important to protect this cultures and his languages because each one of those cultures has their own customs, habits, rituals, beliefs and everything that a community have that distinguishes it from the others. In the videos they show a lot of pictures of different cultures in the world and when they told their stories of each one, and all the problems they had, that impact me. They all clung in someone they believe, that makes them to have hope. I think that we have to help and protect this cultures because they are suffering in one way and some of these cultures are related to our country for example in the Tairona in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta the Arahuacs they are part of our culture and in some way they are providing us with their water, their plants, their environment in general.

What kind of contribution to different cultures make to society as a whole?
They make society more diverse, they provide values and customs that make more interesting and different from the others.

 Is it vital to have cultural diversity or should we eventually coalesce to all be part of the same global culture, speaking one language?
I think it is vital to have cultural diversity because otherwise there would be no culture, that’s why is called cultural diversity is like a mixture of different characteristics that define one of us. If we just speak one language and have one culture there wouldn’t be diversity there wouldn’t be differences and everything would be monotone and boring.