Wednesday, May 9, 2012

As we saw in the video the non-verbal communication are the messages without words that people use to comunnicate with others.This messages could be transmitted by gestures, corporal language , facial expressions, eye contact , posture, even the way we dress and the way we combed our hair. The non-verbal communication plays an important role in the life of a person. You can see if a person is mad or sad, if is happy or anxious by the expression of his face or the gesture he/she made.
About the quote that say "Your actions speak louder than your words", this quote its a very true frase and is very related with the non-verbal communication. sometimes we speak more of what we really do. Some people like our friends or our partners promise a lot of things that  never get accomplished, or say things that never happened, so we have take care about the things we say and the things we do and star to look ourselfs and reflect about our actions and what we do when we are trying to communicate with others.