Wednesday, May 9, 2012

As we saw in the video the non-verbal communication are the messages without words that people use to comunnicate with others.This messages could be transmitted by gestures, corporal language , facial expressions, eye contact , posture, even the way we dress and the way we combed our hair. The non-verbal communication plays an important role in the life of a person. You can see if a person is mad or sad, if is happy or anxious by the expression of his face or the gesture he/she made.
About the quote that say "Your actions speak louder than your words", this quote its a very true frase and is very related with the non-verbal communication. sometimes we speak more of what we really do. Some people like our friends or our partners promise a lot of things that  never get accomplished, or say things that never happened, so we have take care about the things we say and the things we do and star to look ourselfs and reflect about our actions and what we do when we are trying to communicate with others. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wayuu tribe.

hello, today i will be talking about the Wayuu tribe in la Guajira peninsula located in northern Colombia and in the northwest of Venezuela. The Wayuu tribe is an amerindian ethnic group, their main language is Wayuunaiki. their culture directly associates economy and social life with music; such as the case of raising cattle 
They only represent 20% of the colombia's total amerindian population. Wayuu lands on the border with venezuela have been granted for mining by the colombian tourist agency, which means their rights are being discriminated even though the Colombian constitution recognizes the rights of the indigenous. The Wayuu tribe are always away from the city which means not a lot of discrimination is not involved, only territory wise. I think that the Wayuu should get more privilege to their lands because they work to hard on what they do to maintain their land sustainable for their living.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Using both personal examples and examples from the movie, what kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when marrying someone from different culture? 
As we saw in the movie and in our daily lives when two people of a different culture gets married or just coexists in a place, they start to have some problems or difficults between each others, and it is because they have their own customs, traditions, behaviours, food and lifestyle that sometimes are very different from the other person. Thats why these two people start to have issues of disagreement, because they don't share the sames manners or habits. For example in the movie Ian's family felt uncomfortable when they went to Toula's house because they don't eat the same food as they do and for them was extrange to see a big family like Toula, or when Toula's family celebrate the easter with a big party with their family and they dance and talk loud.
So when I saw the movie I see that sometimes the two people that are going to marry or live together they have their difficults between each other, but one of them start to have the customs the other people have and start to share manners and things like that. And in the end they could coexist in the same place. But in other cases the couple don't work together and starts the problems.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Do you think it is important to try and protect these endangered and dying cultures and languages? Why or why not?
I think it is important to protect this cultures and his languages because each one of those cultures has their own customs, habits, rituals, beliefs and everything that a community have that distinguishes it from the others. In the videos they show a lot of pictures of different cultures in the world and when they told their stories of each one, and all the problems they had, that impact me. They all clung in someone they believe, that makes them to have hope. I think that we have to help and protect this cultures because they are suffering in one way and some of these cultures are related to our country for example in the Tairona in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta the Arahuacs they are part of our culture and in some way they are providing us with their water, their plants, their environment in general.

What kind of contribution to different cultures make to society as a whole?
They make society more diverse, they provide values and customs that make more interesting and different from the others.

 Is it vital to have cultural diversity or should we eventually coalesce to all be part of the same global culture, speaking one language?
I think it is vital to have cultural diversity because otherwise there would be no culture, that’s why is called cultural diversity is like a mixture of different characteristics that define one of us. If we just speak one language and have one culture there wouldn’t be diversity there wouldn’t be differences and everything would be monotone and boring.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hi people my name is Stephanie, but you can call me Tepy, I'm 18 years old and I'm from barranquilla, I'm very proud of being Colombian I love my country. I'm studying psycology in Universidad del norte.
This blog is for my english class I will post some information about the language and some tips to learn it.
So let's get started!