Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Using both personal examples and examples from the movie, what kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when marrying someone from different culture? 
As we saw in the movie and in our daily lives when two people of a different culture gets married or just coexists in a place, they start to have some problems or difficults between each others, and it is because they have their own customs, traditions, behaviours, food and lifestyle that sometimes are very different from the other person. Thats why these two people start to have issues of disagreement, because they don't share the sames manners or habits. For example in the movie Ian's family felt uncomfortable when they went to Toula's house because they don't eat the same food as they do and for them was extrange to see a big family like Toula, or when Toula's family celebrate the easter with a big party with their family and they dance and talk loud.
So when I saw the movie I see that sometimes the two people that are going to marry or live together they have their difficults between each other, but one of them start to have the customs the other people have and start to share manners and things like that. And in the end they could coexist in the same place. But in other cases the couple don't work together and starts the problems.

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